In its 2000 report, the United States stated that “overt discrimination” is “less pervasive than it was thirty years ago” but admitted it continued due to “subtle forms of discrimination” that “persist in American society.” The forms of discrimination reported to the United Nations by the United States included “inadequate enforcement of existing anti-discrimination laws” “ineffective use and dissemination of data” economic disadvantage experienced by minority groups “persistent discrimination in employment and labour relations” “segregation and discrimination in housing” leading to diminished educational opportunities for minorities lack of equal access to capital, credit markets and technology discrimination in the criminal legal system lack of adequate access to health insurance and health care and discrimination against immigrants, among other harmful effects. This report supplements the submission of the government with additional information in key areas and offers recommendations that will, if adopted, enhance the government’s ability to comply with ICERD. In August 2022, the Committee will examine the combined 10 th – 12 th periodic reports by the United States on compliance with the Convention. The United States finally ratified the Convention in 1994 and first reported on its progress in implementing the Convention to the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (“CERD” or “Committee”) in 2000. President Lyndon Johnson’s administration noted at the time that the United States “has not always measured up to its constitutional heritage of equality for all” but that it was “on the march” toward compliance. The United States signed the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (“ICERD” or “Convention”) in 1966.